Yoga Resources

Yoga is more than a physical exercise. Yoga is an ancient practice involving asana practice for the body, meditation for the mind and Pranayama for the breath. All three aspects are equally important and are very beneficial for the body-mind system that we are.

The posture or Asana practice of yoga is not just to gain flexibility, balance and muscular strength, but also to make our circulatory, digestive, endocrine and lymphatic systems work more effectively.

Asana practice or ‘doing yoga poses’ is the most well-known part of yoga and has many health benefits. Listed below are just some of those:

o   Increase in energy levels
o   Pain decrease in joints, muscles and back
o   Stress decrease
o   Improved sleep and posture
o   Low impact, improved joint function
o   Appropriate exercise for any age and level of fitness
o   Non-competitive, you can go at your own pace
o Improves bone strength
o   Increase in general well-being

Pranayama, or the art of breathing, is an essential part of yoga with many health benefits:

o   Improved oxygen uptake in the whole body, without having to go for a run
o   Quietens and calms the whole nervous system
o   Improves circulation
o   Boosts immune system
o   Aids digestion
o   Aids concentration
o   Aids detoxification of the body

 Meditation, also an integral part of yoga practice, has the added positive effects such as:

o   Improved emotional balance, less moodiness
o   Improved concentration, focus and memory
o   Increased self-acceptance
o   Improved insight and understanding of self and others 
o   Decreased anxiety and depression 

Yoga re-balances and harmonizes our body-mind dynamics, which is continuously under pressure from the lifestyles we live today. Whether you have been practicing for a few weeks or years, the results speak for themselves.
Check out the measured effects of yoga as displayed in the Huffington Post recently:1511169_840333859351445_232106528080676886_n