
Manipura chakra

Welcome to the third newsletter in the Kundalini series in which the third chakra, Manipura, is discussed. This chakra is situated behind the belly button and affects the core of our being. Its English translation means ‘city of jewels’, a name that suggests a certain radiation and sparkling glow. This chakra is also referred to as the solar plexus chakra or fire chakra. Manipura influences our digestive fire, as well as our ability to ‘fire up’ which reflects our personal power.The asana practice that balances this third chakra involves core strengthening exercises, twists and leg lifts. The pranayama practice that perfectly suits Manipura is the bhastrika breath or bellows breath. This new breath taught us to forcefully contract our diaphragm muscle on the exhalation breath. The immediate warming effect of the bhastrika pranayma makes it perfect practice for the winter months.Like Mooladhara, Manipura has its own bandha or lock: the Uddiyana bandha. This lock is applied when we contract the diaphragm and deep belly muscles (belly button to spine) after the exhalation breath. The practice of Uddiyana bandha is useful to clear blockages in the energy flow from the top of the body to the bottom and vice versa.The next newsletter which will come out shortly will talk about the 4th chakra, Anahata or the heart chakra.May the benefits of your practice stay with you and extend beyond you.Namaste,
Manipura in a nutshell

Element: Fire
Sound: Ram
Colour: Yellow
Balanced: Warmth, ease, vitality, good digestion.
Unbalanced: Digestive problems, eating disorders,
low self- esteem or seeking power and control,
Endocrine system: Adrenals, pancreas, gal bladder.
Leg rotations

Revolved side angle


Wild thing



Solar Mudra


Wisdom relating to Manipura:

‘Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.’

Anais Nin  – Diary 1969